Wednesday, February 13, 2013

When the honeymoon is over...

So I haven't updated in the last few weeks...  This is because the initial excitement of moving abroad has worn off and I am now deep into normal life: class Monday through Thursday.

I'll take this time to talk about where I am living, SLU Madrid Campus, daily life, etc...

top left: lobby; top right: elevator;
bottom: Miriam and my room
I'm living about a five minute walk from campus, which is very convenient.  I live in a room with Miriam and Jess lives in a room down the hall.  The apartment is a nice size and the three of us share a bathroom.  Our host mom, Carmen, is a little older and makes us a different dinner almost every evening.  She's pretty helpful with my Spanish.

Padre Rubio Hall
I have three classes each day, which isn't so bad.  I just had my first test in Spanish today... not quite sure how that went...  Otherwise, I got two As on my papers in Intro to Drama (we've read Oedipus, Lysistrata, Everyman, and The Merchant of Venice so far) and As in Management.  I have yet to get grades in my theology class (we're going to Toledo on Friday for a day trip) and my Macroeconomics class.

Between class I normally head up to Super Sol, a local grocery store, with Emma and whoever else wants to join.  Tomorrow Emma and I are giving up chips, soda, chocolate, and any other junk food for lent... Wish us luck!  I normally buy bread because it is SO cheap and the fruit is really inexpensive as well.

After class recently, it's been too cold to sit outside on campus so I've come home to nap and do homework for the evening.

We have dinner between 8 and 8:30PM every night with Carmen.  For the past week she's left the news on so we can try to understand it and learn more about Spain.

top two: Dubliner's (rt Superbowl)
bottom left: Mardi Gras
bottom right: salsa dancing
I caught a cold sometime in the past two weeks and lost my voice, but I'm slowly getting better... I definitely caught whatever my host mom had.  Otherwise, we've been going out, taking advantage of anything that is free and hanging out with everyone as much as possible.  It's so funny to think that I never knew the kids I normally chill with here in Madrid from the STL campus... We also celebrated the superbowl at our favorite bar: Dubliners.  This past Thursday we went salsa dancing, which was so much fun as well :)