Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Quick Update

So, I haven't been updating as much as I had planned... I was fantastic at updating my Norway blog but I'm having a hard time thinking of things to write for this one.

I haven't been on many trips lately.  I caught another cold recently and am waiting for it to subside and possibly go to Valencia or something this weekend.

I have booked trips to Lisbon, Budapest and Mallorca for April... And of course Norway for spring break!  I will be going with Lynn to Lisbon where we're going to spend time on the beach.  I will be traveling with a group of girls to Budapest and will hopefully be able to see Vera, our old Hungarian Rotary Exchange Student, who lives in the city.  My last planned trip is to Mallorca, where I plan to relax in the sun on the beach!

Let's see... What do I need to catch up on...

We went on a class trip with my theology class (Jerusalem: City of Three Faiths) to Toledo.  It was really interesting to visit the city while completing a project.  We visited a Catholic church, a synagogue and a mosque broken up into groups.  It was great to meet more students, especially some permanent students.  We wrote an 8-10 page paper about a book we read previous to the trip (about religion in medieval Spain) and our experience in the ancient city.  We just received our grades back today, actually.  A-.  Not bad.

We just read Hedda Gabler in my Intro to Drama class.  I really enjoyed it, seeing as the playwright is Ibsen!  Reading this play is adding to my excitement about my trip to see my Norwegian families and friends up north!  I'm flying out on the 22nd of March and I return on the 31st.  Jeg gleeeeder meg!!!! I can't believe I get to see everyone in less than three weeks... It's unreal.

Lynn and I went out with a bunch of her friends from SGA recently, which was fun!  We went to a bar not too far from where I live.  This allowed me to get to know more permanent students, some who are in my classes.

I haven't had any problems with giving up dessert, junk food and soda for lent seeing as I rarely eat/drink any of this at home... especially in Vermont.  I just forgot about how studying abroad makes you crave literally anything from home, especially that which is typical such as soda, chips, chocolate, etc.  (No wonder why I gained the exchange weight... stress-coping mechanisms and all.)

I apologize again for not keeping up with this blog like I did with my exchange student blog.  It's just that this time I actually have to do schoolwork!

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